Tag Archives: herm


Ohhhh boy..hasn’t it been awhile. Am I even allowed to post lewd picks up like that? I have no idea..nor do I really care too be honest. People better respect this level of sexiness going on right here.

What have I been up too? Pretty much nothing..I just really haven’t been in the mood to do pics or blog or even really be on Second Life most of the time. It’s just kinda gotten boring..a lot of the people I hang out with don’t come on as often..blah blah. Motivation and me aren’t best friends to say the least..been wanting to learn how to do 3D modeling and reboot my business on SL..but..I just hit that wall and can’t scramble over it. One of these days..maybe..one of these days.

Second Life is still enjoyable though..playing dress up and shopping tends to be quite fun..just wish there were some more high quality stores out there. I find myself going to the same stores over and over..nothing new..booooring. Not really quite sure where to look..maybe other blogs..derrrr I’m an idiot. Shoutouts to other blogs for holding it down..people unlike me have more motivation and they deserve the respect for it. Putting the word out there is always the backbone of a community..even if its just a personal blog.

Since I’ve stopped blogging for awhile there..I’ve been a furry, a man, a furry again, then a dickgirl, then a man, then a furry, now a dickgirl again. Don’t even ask. I would pretty much just log on..change..and then log right off. I may have the mind of a hamster..I just need a giant wheel to run in..that would be tight.

Enough about all of that though. MAAAAAAAAN, Kojima Industries..over at Fairlight..that’s where the DELICIOUS arms and legs are from. Robotic or cybernetic armored arms and legs are just..so badass..one of my most favorite things ever in the universe. The quality of the gear is SICK..I mean its smooth..textures are fantastic..I barely even had to adjust the damn things. And I mean really..covered the arms..covered the legs..you can just leave the rest of your body buckass naked and you are ready to go, if you know what I mean. Benefits..benefits. Go check that place out..they have more than just that.

AHHHHhhhHhh…what do I usually do again? Like..2 store shoutouts? Fuck it.
Lamb, amazing hair..legendary..if you’ve never been there..you’re an idiot..and you should go there..and buy everything..and make Lamb Bellic RICH.
Plastik? Fuckin’ PLASTIK?! Amazing..always amazing..never bad..you can get everything you need..you could go there if the zombie apocalypse happens and Aikea Rieko AKA Vae AKA Ms. Fascinating will just be like BAM I’M SAVING THE DAY.
Garden of Ku..tattoos out the wazoo. Multi opions for layers and what not, high quality, they look like real fuckin’ tattoos and not like someone made it in MS Paint like a lot of shitty tattoos are.
GRAVES..well..everyone knows Graves..right? You don’t? Fuck you..go there and buy things, now.
Tokugawa? Goggles, a cyber eyepatch, CYBER EYES?! Do it now..do it now..go there. They also have some old school samurai action up in there too.
Earthstones, probably the only jewelery store I go to..that should say enough.
Lolas, tits. That’s it..that’s all you need to know..tits..I mean..come on..TITS. Everyone loves tits..everyone needs tits, go buy tits..even if you’re a man..just do it.
EXL, they got cocks of all types..they have a snake penis..I swear. Furry avs, furry av parts, a mature sandbox which is like the only sandbox I go to..they got whatever you need for your freaky deaky needs.
HoD, Haus of Darcy, bomb piercings..literally when I put them on my face..my head explodes with awesomeness.

*Takes a deep breath*

I think that’s all of them..I’m sure theres typos in that..but I’m way too lazy to correct..learn Typonese plz.

Go check the Flickr even though I gave all the stores where I got this sexy mess from, details in the Flickr, baby..