Tag Archives: disappearing arms

[MC] Release – Alpha Arms

Well considering my alpha leg layers do fairly well I figured I should make some arm ones..because there just isn’t enough alpha out in the world yet..there’s SOME..but not enough.

Quite dirt cheap, because they aren’t the greatest..but they sure as hell get the job done..and you probably won’t find any cheaper unless it’s a freebie or something. Comes with eight layers following the mesh grid from the default templates, 50 lindos for copy mod pack and 100 for the full perm. I find myself frustrated that some alpha layers I get with other products don’t mesh too well with some other ones..so I try to make it easier by going up the arm by every third line.

So, if you need for your arms to fade out so you can rock some sexy prim arms or so you can be some sort of creature of the night…or daytime..any time really..pick these up.

Copy mod version is here, full perm is here. Flickr is here for…no apparent reason..but it’s always there..watching you. *Cackle*